Author: James Bergin

Publisher: Routledge


Category: Business & Economics

Page: 690

View: 393

Mathematics for Economists with Applications provides detailed coverage of the mathematical techniques essential for undergraduate and introductory graduate work in economics, business and finance. Beginning with linear algebra and matrix theory, the book develops the techniques of univariate and multivariate calculus used in economics, proceeding to discuss the theory of optimization in detail. Integration, differential and difference equations are considered in subsequent chapters. Uniquely, the book also features a discussion of statistics and probability, including a study of the key distributions and their role in hypothesis testing. Throughout the text, large numbers of new and insightful examples and an extensive use of graphs explain and motivate the material. Each chapter develops from an elementary level and builds to more advanced topics, providing logical progression for the student, and enabling instructors to prescribe material to the required level of the course. With coverage substantial in depth as well as breadth, and including a companion website at, containing exercises related to the worked examples from each chapter of the book, Mathematics for Economists with Applications contains everything needed to understand and apply the mathematical methods and practices fundamental to the study of economics.

Author: András Prékopa




Page: 367

View: 362

Author: Alampallam V. Balakrishnan

Publisher: Springer


Category: Mathematics

Page: 373

View: 466

In preparing the second edition, I have taken advantage of the opportunity to correct errors as well as revise the presentation in many places. New material has been included, in addition, reflecting relevant recent work. The help of many colleagues (and especially Professor J. Stoer) in ferreting out errors is gratefully acknowledged. I also owe special thanks to Professor v. Sazonov for many discussions on the white noise theory in Chapter 6. February, 1981 A. V. BALAKRISHNAN v Preface to the First Edition The title "Applied Functional Analysis" is intended to be short for "Functional analysis in a Hilbert space and certain of its applications," the applications being drawn mostly from areas variously referred to as system optimization or control systems or systems analysis. One of the signs of the times is a discernible tilt toward application in mathematics and conversely a greater level of mathematical sophistication in the application areas such as economics or system science, both spurred undoubtedly by the heightening pace of digital computer usage. This book is an entry into this twilight zone. The aspects of functional analysis treated here are rapidly becoming essential in the training at the advance graduate level of system scientists and/or mathematical economists. There are of course now available many excellent treatises on functional analysis.

Author: Hemanta Saikia

Publisher: CreateSpace



Page: 312

View: 788

This book is an introduction to application of Mathematics in Economics for students of disciplines such as economics, finance, business, management, and accounting. It is intended for readers who may have not any background in mathematics, and it will also be appropriate for those with less experience, possibly used in conjunction with one of the many more elementary texts on basic mathematics. Parts of this book arise from a lecture course given by the authors to students of economics, management, accounting and finance, and management sciences. Assuming little or no prior knowledge in mathematics, this market-leading text is a great companion for those who have not studied mathematics in depth before. Breaking topics down into short sections makes each new technique you learn seem less intimidating. This book promotes self learning and study by working through practice problems. The second edition of the book continues the tradition of the first edition by successfully teaching these tools and techniques through presenting them in conjunction with interesting and engaging economic applications. The applications in the text provide students with an understanding of the use of mathematics in economics. The applications also motivate the study of the material, develop mathematical comprehension and hone economic intuition.

Author: Angel de la Fuente

Publisher: Cambridge University Press


Category: Business & Economics

Page: 835

View: 682

A textbook for a first-year PhD course in mathematics for economists and a reference for graduate students in economics.

Author: R. S. Soni

Publisher: Pitambar Publishing


Category: Business mathematics

Page: 790

View: 835

Author: Teresa Bradley

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Incorporated


Category: Business & Economics

Page: 637

View: 505

Containing numerous worked examples and exercises, this text aims to help students improve their understanding of key concepts and to develop stronger mathematical skills.

Author: Robert J. Aumann

Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.


Category: Mathematics

Page: 291

View: 822

Since the publication of Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by von Neumann and Morgenstern, the concept of games has played an increasing role in economics. It also plays a role of growing importance in other sciences, including biology, political science, and psychology. Many scientists have made seminal advances and continue to be leaders in the field, including Harsanyi, Shapley, Shubik, and Selten. Professor Robert Aumann, in addition to his important contributions to game theory and economics, made a number of significant contributions to mathematics. This volume provides a collection of essays in mathematical economics and game theory, including cutting-edge research on noncooperative game theory and its foundations, bargaining theory, and general equilibrium theory. Also included is a reprint of Aumann's classic paper, ``Acceptable Points in General Cooperative $n$-Person Games'' and of the oft-cited, yet hard to find, paper by Maschler, ``The Worth of a Cooperative Enterprise to Each Member''. This book illustrates the wide range of applications of mathematics to economics, game theory, and social choice. The volume is dedicated to Professor Robert J. Aumann, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, for his contributions in mathematics and social sciences.

Author: R. S. Bhardwaj

Publisher: Excel Books India


Category: Business mathematics

Page: 570

View: 718

This book is designed to meet the requirements of a wide range of students, keeping in view the varied applications of mathematical techniques in different areas of Economics, Commerce, Finance and Management, at the Undergraduate and Post Graduate levels. The subject matter has been presented in a very simple and lucid manner. A large number of questions from various University examination papers have been included to provide a range of questions on different topics of the subjects. Exercises given at the end of each topic will provide a source of practice to the students and make them more confident, assuring better performance in the Examination. Teachers in the subject may also find it absorbing and different from other books, in respect of approach, style and lucidity in explanation supported by appropriate diagrams.

Author: Jean E. Weber

Publisher: Harpercollins College Division


Category: Mathematics

Page: 719

View: 802

Author: Marian Baroni



Category: Constructive mathematics

Page: 108

View: 475

Author: Thomas A. Boylan

Publisher: Routledge


Category: Business & Economics

Page: 242

View: 540

With the failure of economics to predict the recent economic crisis, the image of economics as a rigorous mathematical science has been subjected to increasing interrogation. One explanation for this failure is that the subject took a wrong turn in its historical trajectory, becoming too mathematical. Using the philosophy of mathematics, this unique book re-examines this trajectory. Philosophy of Mathematics and Economics re-analyses the divergent rationales for mathematical economics by some of its principal architects. Yet, it is not limited to simply enhancing our understanding of how economics became an applied mathematical science. The authors also critically evaluate developments in the philosophy of mathematics to expose the inadequacy of aspects of mainstream mathematical economics, as well as exploiting the same philosophy to suggest alternative ways of rigorously formulating economic theory for our digital age. This book represents an innovative attempt to more fully understand the complexity of the interaction between developments in the philosophy of mathematics and the process of formalisation in economics. Assuming no expert knowledge in the philosophy of mathematics, this work is relevant to historians of economic thought and professional philosophers of economics. In addition, it will be of great interest to those who wish to deepen their appreciation of the economic contours of contemporary society. It is also hoped that mathematical economists will find this work informative and engaging.

Author: Frank Werner



Category: Business & Economics

Page: 516

View: 798

For all students who wish to understand current economic and business literature, knowledge of mathematical methods has become a prerequisite. Clear and concise, with precise definitions and theorems, Werner and Sotskov cover all the major topics required to gain a firm grounding in this subject including sequences, series, applications in finance, functions, differentiations, differentials and difference equations, optimizations with and without constraints, integrations and much more. Containing exercises and worked examples, precise definitions and theorems as well as economic applications, this book provides the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the mathematical models and tools used in both economics and business.

Author: Wei-Bin Zhang

Publisher: EOLSS Publications


Category: Economics

Page: 520

View: 160

Mathematical Models in Economics is a component of Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences in which is part of the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. This theme is organized into several different topics and introduces the applications of mathematics to economics. Mathematical economics has experienced rapid growth, generating many new academic fields associated with the development of mathematical theory and computer. Mathematics is the backbone of modern economics. It plays a basic role in creating ideas, constructing new theories, and empirically testing ideas and theories. Mathematics is now an integral part of economics. The main advances in modern economics are characterized by applying mathematics to various economic problems. Many of today's profound insights into economic problems could hardly be obtained without the help of mathematics. The concepts of equilibrium versus non-equilibrium, stability versus instability, and steady states versus chaos in the contemporary literature are difficult to explain without mathematics. The theme discusses on modern versions of some classical economic theories, taking account of balancing between significance of economic issues and mathematical techniques. These two volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College students Educators, Professional practitioners, Research personnel and Policy analysts, managers, and decision makers and NGOs.

Author: Bradley

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons



Page: 656

View: 563

Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business has become established as one of the leading introductory books on mathematics. It combines a non-rigorous approach to mathematics with applications in economics and business. The fundamental mathematical concepts are explained as simply and as briefly as possible, using a wide selection of worked examples, graphs and real-world applications.· Mathematical preliminaries · The straight line and applications · Simultaneous equations · Non-linear functions and applications · Financial Mathematics · Introduction to differentiation and applications · Functions of several variables · Integration and applications · Linear algebra and applications · Difference equations · Solutions to progress exercises

Author: R.J. Aumann

Publisher: Elsevier


Category: Business & Economics

Page: 818

View: 151

This is the second of three volumes surveying the state of the art in Game Theory and its applications to many and varied fields, in particular to economics. The chapters in the present volume are contributed by outstanding authorities, and provide comprehensive coverage and precise statements of the main results in each area. The applications include empirical evidence. The following topics are covered: communication and correlated equilibria, coalitional games and coalition structures, utility and subjective probability, common knowledge, bargaining, zero-sum games, differential games, and applications of game theory to signalling, moral hazard, search, evolutionary biology, international relations, voting procedures, social choice, public economics, politics, and cost allocation. This handbook will be of interest to scholars in economics, political science, psychology, mathematics and biology. For more information on the Handbooks in Economics series, please see our home page on

Author: Srinath Baruah




Page: 488

View: 593

This book helps build a strong background in the quantitative methods and the applications of mathematical tools in economic theory. It will be of great assistance to students of economics of different universities and also students of commerce with business mathematics and applied mathematics to solve basic problems of business.

Author: Wolfgang Eichhorn

Publisher: Springer


Category: Business & Economics

Page: 630

View: 824

This book about mathematics and methodology for economics is the result of the lifelong experience of the authors. It is written for university students as well as for students of applied sciences. This self-contained book does not assume any previous knowledge of high school mathematics and helps understanding the basics of economic theory-building. Starting from set theory it thoroughly discusses linear and non-linear functions, differential equations, difference equations, and all necessary theoretical constructs for building sound economic models. The authors also present a solid introduction to linear optimisation and game theory using production systems. A detailed discussion on market equilibrium, in particular on Nash Equilibrium, and on non-linear optimisation is also provided. Throughout the book the student is well supplied with numerous examples, some 2000 problems and their solutions to apply the knowledge to economic theories and models.

Author: Wei-Bin Zhang

Publisher: EOLSS Publications


Category: Economics

Page: 542

View: 120

Mathematical Models in Economics is a component of Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences in which is part of the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. This theme is organized into several different topics and introduces the applications of mathematics to economics. Mathematical economics has experienced rapid growth, generating many new academic fields associated with the development of mathematical theory and computer. Mathematics is the backbone of modern economics. It plays a basic role in creating ideas, constructing new theories, and empirically testing ideas and theories. Mathematics is now an integral part of economics. The main advances in modern economics are characterized by applying mathematics to various economic problems. Many of today's profound insights into economic problems could hardly be obtained without the help of mathematics. The concepts of equilibrium versus non-equilibrium, stability versus instability, and steady states versus chaos in the contemporary literature are difficult to explain without mathematics. The theme discusses on modern versions of some classical economic theories, taking account of balancing between significance of economic issues and mathematical techniques. These two volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College students Educators, Professional practitioners, Research personnel and Policy analysts, managers, and decision makers and NGOs.

Author: Judith V Grabiner

Publisher: Springer


Category: Mathematics

Page: 373

View: 540

In preparing the second edition, I have taken advantage of the opportunity to correct errors as well as revise the presentation in many places. New material has been included, in addition, reflecting relevant recent work. The help of many colleagues (and especially Professor J. Stoer) in ferreting out errors is gratefully acknowledged. I also owe special thanks to Professor v. Sazonov for many discussions on the white noise theory in Chapter 6. February, 1981 A. V. BALAKRISHNAN v Preface to the First Edition The title "Applied Functional Analysis" is intended to be short for "Functional analysis in a Hilbert space and certain of its applications," the applications being drawn mostly from areas variously referred to as system optimization or control systems or systems analysis. One of the signs of the times is a discernible tilt toward application in mathematics and conversely a greater level of mathematical sophistication in the application areas such as economics or system science, both spurred undoubtedly by the heightening pace of digital computer usage. This book is an entry into this twilight zone. The aspects of functional analysis treated here are rapidly becoming essential in the training at the advance graduate level of system scientists and/or mathematical economists. There are of course now available many excellent treatises on functional analysis.