
Communications In Mathematical Physics Pdf

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Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics

Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics

Edited By: S.R.S. Varadhan

Impact factor: 3.219

2020 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics): 9/330 (Mathematics) 20/265 (Mathematics, Applied)

Online ISSN: 1097-0312

© Wiley Periodicals, LLC.

  • View Table of Contents for Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics volume 75 issue 1


    Volume 75,Issue 1

    January 2022

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About This Journal

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Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics primarily publishes papers originating at or  solicited by the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.It features recent developments  in applied mathematics, mathematical physics, and mathematical analysis. The topics include  partial differential equations, computer science, and applied mathematics.

Read the journal's full aims and scope

2021 Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences

We would like to congratulate Editorial Board member Jeff Cheeger, who along with Jean-Michel Bismut, has been awarded the 2021 Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences. The selection committee cited "their remarkable insights that have transformed, and continue to transform, modern geometry". In celebration of the award, we have made three recent articles by Jeff Cheeger published in the journalfree-to-read for the next three months.

Critical Sets of Elliptic Equations by Jeff Cheeger, Aaron Naber, Daniele Valtorta (68.2)

Quantitative Stratification and the Regularity of Harmonic Maps and Minimal Currents by Jeff Cheeger and Aaron Naber (66.6)

Quantitative Differentiation: A General Formulation by Jeff Cheeger (65.12)


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Research Article

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Unique Continuation at the Boundary for Harmonic Functions in C 1 Domains and Lipschitz Domains with Small Constant

Xavier Tolsa ,

  • 8 November 2021
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Research Article

Fully Nonlinear Equations with Applications to Grad Equations in Plasma Physics

Luis A. Caffarelli , Ignacio Tomasetti ,

  • 8 November 2021
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Research Article

Separable Hamiltonian PDEs and Turning Point Principle for Stability of Gaseous Stars

Zhiwu Lin , Chongchun Zeng ,

  • 8 November 2021
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Research Article

Sub‐Gaussian Matrices on Sets: Optimal Tail Dependence and Applications

Halyun Jeong , Xiaowei Li , Yaniv Plan , Ozgur Yilmaz ,

  • 29 October 2021
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Research Article

On Ill‐ and Well‐Posedness of Dissipative Martingale Solutions to Stochastic 3D Euler Equations

Martina Hofmanová , Rongchan Zhu , Xiangchan Zhu ,

  • 28 September 2021
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    December 2021

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