
Theoretical Neuroscience Computational And Mathematical Pdf

Larry Abbott - Publications and Software

Larry Abbott
Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Jerome L. Greene Science Center
Columbia University
L5-072 Mail Code 9854
3227 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

phone:    212-853-1065
email:     lfabbott @ columbia . edu

  • Articles
  • Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
  • Books
  • Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems
  • Particle Physics Publications
  • Patents


Clark, D.G., Abbott, L.F. and Chung, SY. (2021) Credit Assignment Through Broadcasting a Global Error Vector. arXiv:2106.04089.

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Logiaco, L., Abbott, L.F. and Escola, S. (2021) Thalamic Control of Cortical Dynamics in a Model of Flexible Motor Sequencing. Cell Reports 35:109090.

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Abbott, L.F. and Svoboda, K., editors (2020) Brain-wide Interactions Between Neural Circuits. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 65:iii�v.

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Li, F., Lindsey, J., Marin, E.C., Ott, N., Dreher, M., Dempsey, G., Stark, I., Bates, A.S., Pleijzier, M.W., Schlegel, P., Nern, A., Takemura, N. Eckstein, S., Yang, T., Francis, A., Braun, A., Parekh, R., Costa, M., Scheffer, L., Aso, Y., Jefferis, G.S.X.E., Abbott, L.F., Litwin-Kumar, A., Waddell, S. and Rubin, G.M. (2020) The Connectome of the Adult Drosophila Mushroom Body: Implications for Function. eLife 9:e62576.
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Wang, P.Y., Boboila, C. Shamash, P., Zheng, W. Stein, N.P., Abbott, L.F. and Axel, R. (2020) The Imposition of Value on Odor: Transient and Persistent Representations of Odor Value in Prefrontal Cortex. Neuron 108:209:224.
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Abbott, L.F., Bock, D., Callaway, E.M., Dulac, C., Denk, W., Fairhall, A., Fiete, I., Harris, K.M., Helmstaedter, M., Jain, V., Kasthuri, N., LeCun, Y., Lichtman, J.W., Littlewood, P.B., Luo, L., Maunsell, J.H.R., Reid, R.C., Rosen, B.R., Rubin, G.M., Sejnowski, T.J., Seung, H.S., Svoboda, K., Tank, D.W., Tsao, D. and Van Essen D.C. (2020) The Mind of a Mouse. Cell 182:1372-1376.
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Russo, A.A., Khajeh, R., Bittner, S.R., Cunningham, J.P., Abbott, L.F., Churchland, M.M. (2020) Neural Trajectories in the Supplementary Motor Area and Primary Motor Cortex Exhibit Distinct Geometries, Compatible with Different Classes of Computation. Neuron 107:745-758.
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Iascone, D.M., Li, Y., S�mb�l, U., Doron, M., Chen, H., Andreu, V., Goudy, F., Abbott, L.F., Segev, I., Peng, H. and Polleux, F. (2020) Whole-Neuron Synaptic Mapping Reveals Spatially Precise Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance Limiting Dendritic and Somatic Spiking. Neuron 20:566-578.
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Liou, J.-Y., Smith, E.H., Bateman, L.M., Bruce, S.L., McKhann, G.M., Goodman, R.R., Emerson, R.G., Schevon, C.A. and Abbott, L.F. (2020) A Model for Focal Seizure Onset, Propagation, Evolution and Progression. eLife 9:e50927.
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M�ller, S.Z., Zadina, A., Abbott, L.F. and Sawtell, N.B. (2019) Learning in a multi-layer network of an electric fish. Cell 179:1382-1392.
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Kim, S.S., Hermudstad, A.M., Abbott, L.F. and Jayaraman, V. (2019) The flexible generation of a stable heading representation from diverse visual scenes. Nature 576:126-131.
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Ingrosso, A. and Abbott, L.F. (2019) Training Dynamically Balanced Excitatory-Inhibitory Networks. PLoS One 14:e0220547.
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Balaskas, N., Abbott, L. F., Jessell, T.M. and Ng, D. (2019) Positional Strategies Account for Connection Specificity and Synaptic Organization in Spinal Sensory-Motor Circuits. Neuron 102:1143-1158.
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Jercog, P.E., Ahmadian, Y., Woodruff, C., Deb-Sen, R., Abbott, L.F. and Kandel, E.R. (2019) Heading Direction with Respect to a Reference Point Modulates Place-Cell Activity. Nature Communications 10:2333.
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Dempsey, C., Abbott, L.F. and Sawtell, N.B. (2019) Generalization of Learned Responses in the Mormyrid Electrosensory Lobe. eLife 8:e44032.
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Moskovitz, T.H., Litwin-Kumar, A. and Abbott, L.F. (2018) Feedback Alignment in Deep Convolutional Networks. arXiv:1812.06488v1.
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Pandarinath, C., O�Shea, D.J., Collins, J., Jozefowicz, R., Stavisky, S., Kao, J.C., Trautmann, E.M., Churchland, M., Kaufman, M.T., Blabe, C.H., Nuyujukian, P., Sorice, B., Sarma, A., Eskandar, E.N., Ryu, S.I., Hochberg, L.R., Henderson, J.M., Shenoy, K.V., Abbott, L.F. and Sussillo, D. (2018) Inferring Single-Trial Neural Population Dynamics Using Sequential Auto-Encoders. Nature Methods 15:805�815.
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Enikolopov, A., Abbott, L.F. and Sawtell, N.B. (2018) Internally-Generated Predictions Enhance Neural and Behavioral Detection of Sensory Stimuli in an Electric Fish. Neuron 99:135-146.
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Schaffer, E.S., Stettler, D.D., Kato, D., Choi, G.B., Axel, R. and Abbott, L.F. (2018) Odor Perception on the Two Sides of the Brain: Consistency Despite Randomness. Neuron 98:736-742.
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Stern, M., Bolding, K.A., Abbott, L.F and Franks, K.M. (2018) A Transformation from Latency to Ensemble Coding in a Model of Piriform Cortex. eLife 7:e34831.
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Russo, A., Bittner, S., Perkins, S., Seely, J., London, B., Lara, A., Miri, A., Marshall, N., Kohn, A., Jessell, T., Abbott, L.F., Cunningham, J., Churchland, M. (2018) Motor Cortex Activity Embeds Muscle-like Commands in an Untangled Population Response. Neuron. 97:953-966.
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DePasquale, B., Cueva, C.J., Rajan, K., Escola, G.S. and Abbott, L.F. (2018) full-FORCE: A Target-Based Method for Training Recurrent Networks. PLoS One 13:e0191527.
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Abbott, L.F. Angelaki, D., Carandini, M., Churchland, A., Dan, Y., Deneve, S., Dayan, P., Fiete, I., Ganguli, S., Harris, K., Hausser, M., Hofer, S., Latham, P., Mainen, Z., Mrsic-Flogel, T., Paninski, L., Pillow, J., Pouget, A., Svoboda, K., Witten, I. and Zador, A. (The International Brain Laboratory) (2017) An International Laboratory for Systems and Computational Neuroscience. Neuron 96:1213:1218.
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Rubin, R., Abbott, L.F. and Sompolinsky, H. (2017) Balanced Excitation and Inhibition is Required for High-Capacity, Noise-Robust Neuronal Selectivity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 114:E9366-E9375.
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Eichler, K., Li, F., Litwin Kumar, A.,  Park, Y., Andrade, I, Schneider-Mizell, C., Saumweber, T., Huser, A., Eschbach, C., Gerber, B., Fetter, R.D., Truman, J.W., Priebe, C.E., Abbott, L.F., Thum, A., Zlatic, M. and Cardona, A. (2017) The Complete Connectome of a Learning and Memory Centre in an Insect Brain. Nature 548:175-182.
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Hattori, D., Aso, A., Rubin, G.M., Abbott, L.F. and Axel, R. (2017) Representations of Novelty and Familiarity in a Mushroom Body Compartment. Cell 169:956-969.
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Caron, S. and Abbott, L.F. (2017) Intelligence in the Honeybee Mushroom Body (Dispatch). Current Opinion in Biol. 27:R220-R222.
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Litwin-Kumar, A., Harris, K.D., Axel, R., Sompolinsky, H. and Abbott, L.F. (2017) Optimal Degrees of Synaptic Connectivity. Neuron 93:1153�1164.
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Sussillo, D., Jozefowicz, R., Abbott, L.F. and Pandarinath, C. (2016) LFADS - Latent Factor Analysis via Dynamical Systems. arXiv:1608.06315.
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Lalazar, H., Abbott, L.F. and Vaadia, E. (2016) Tuning Curves for Arm-Posture Control are Consistent with Random Connectivity. PLoS Comput. Biol. 12:e1004910.
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Babadi, B. and Abbott, L.F. (2016) Stability and Competition in Multi-Spike Models of Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity. PLoS Comput. Biol. 12:e1004750.
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Gabitto, M.I., Pakman, A., Bikoff, J.B., Abbott, L.F., Jessell, T.M. and Paninski, L. (2016) Bayesian Sparse Regression Analysis Documents the Diversity of Spinal Inhibitory Interneurons. Cell 165:220-233.
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Abbott, L.F., DePasquale, B. and Memmesheimer, R.-M. (2016) Building Functional Networks of Spiking Model Neurons. Nature Neurosci. 19:350-355.
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Churchland, A.K. and Abbott, L.F. (2016) Technical and Conceptual Advances Define a Key Moment for Theoretical Neuroscience. Nature Neurosci. 19:348-349.
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Sussillo, D. and Abbott, L.F. (2015) Random Walk Initialization for Training Very Deep Feedforward Networks. arXiv:1412.6558.
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Mendelsohn, A., Simon, C.M., Abbott, L.F., Mentis, G.Z. and Jessell, T.M. (2015) Activity Regulates the Incidence of Heteronymous Sensory-Motor Connections. Neuron 87:111-23.
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Sawtell, N. and Abbott, L.F. (2015) Strength in More Than Numbers (News and Views). Nature Neurosci. 18:614-616.
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Stern, M., Sompolinsky, H. and Abbott, L.F. (2014) Dynamics of Random Neural Networks with Bistable Units. Phys. Rev. E 062710.
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Aso, Y., Hattori, D., Yu, Y., Johnston, R.M., Iyer, N., Ngo, T.B., Dionne, H., Abbott, L.F., Axel, R., Tanimoto, H. and Rubin, G. (2014) The Neuronal Architecture of the Mushroom Body Provides a Logic for Associative Learning. eLife 3:e04577.
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Wayne, G. and Abbott, L.F. (2014) A Design Procedure for Hierarchical Network Control. Neural Comp. 26:2163-2193.
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Le Masson, G., Przedborski, S. and Abbott, L.F. (2014) A Computational Model of Motor Neuron Degeneration. Neuron 83:975-988.
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Fink, A.J.P., Croce, K.R., Huang, Z.J., Abbott, L.F., Jessell, T.M. and Azim, E. (2014) Presynaptic Inhibition of Spinal Sensory Feedback Ensures Smooth Movement. Nature 509:43-48.
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Kennedy, A., Wayne, G., Kaifosh, P., Alvina, K., Abbott, L.F. and Sawtell, N.B. (2014)  A Temporal Basis for Predicting the Sensory Consequences of Motor Commands in an Electric Fish.  Nature Neurosci. 17:416-424.
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Kato, S., Xu, Y., Cho, C., Abbott, L.F. and Bargmann, C. (2014) Temporal Responses of C. Elegans Chemosensory Neurons are Matched to Behavior. Neuron 81:616-628.
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Schaffer, E.S., Ostojic, S. and Abbott L.F. (2013) A Complex-Valued Firing-Rate Model that Approximates the Dynamics of Spiking Networks. PLoS Comput. Biol. 9:e1003301.
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Caron, S.J.C, Ruta, V., Abbott, L.F. and Axel, R. (2013) Random Convergence  of Afferent Olfactory Inputs in the Drosophila Mushroom Body. Nature 497:113-117.
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Barak, O., Sussillo, D., Romo, R., Tsodyks, M. and Abbott, L.F. (2013) From Fixed Points to Chaos: Three Models of Delayed Discrimination. Prog. in Neurobiol. 103:214-222.
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Babadi, B. and Abbott, L.F. (2013) Pairwise Analysis Can Account for Network Structures Arising from Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity. PLoS Comput. Biol. 9:e1002906.
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White, B., Abbott, L.F. and Fiser, J. (2012) Suppression of cortical neural variability is stimulus- and state-dependent. J. Neurophysiol. 108:2383-2392.
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Churchland, M.M. and Abbott, L.F. (2012) Two Layers of Neural Variability (news and views). Nature Neurosci. 15:1472-1474.
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Sussillo, D. and Abbott, L.F. (2012) Transferring Learning from External to Internal Weights in Echo-State Networks with Sparse Connectivity. PLoS One 7:e37372.
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Abbott, L.F. and Kandel, E.R. (2012) A Computational Approach Enhances Learning in Aplysia (news and views).  Nature Neurosci. 15:178-179.
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Toyoizumi, T. and Abbott, L.F. (2011) Beyond The Edge of Chaos: Amplication and Temporal Integration by Recurrent Networks in the Chaotic Regime.  Phys. Rev. E 84:051908.
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Monaco, J.D. and Abbott, L.F. (2011) Modular Realignment of Entorhinal Grid Cell Activity as a Basis for Hippocampal Remapping.  J. Neurosci. 31:9414-9425.
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Rajan, K., Abbott, L.F. and Sompolinsky, H. (2010) Inferring Stimulus Selectivity from the Spatial Structure of Neural Network Dynamics. In Lafferty, J., Williams, C.K.I., Shawne-Taylor, J., Zemel, R.S. and Culotta, A. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23.
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Babadi, B. and Abbott, L.F. (2010) Intrinsic Stability of Temporally Shifted Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity.  PLoS Comput. Biol. 6:e1000961.
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Rajan, K., Abbott, L.F. and Sompolinsky, H. (2010) Stimulus-Dependent Suppression of Chaos in Recurrent Neural Networks.  Phys. Rev. E 82:011903.
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Luo, S., Axel, R. and Abbott, L.F. (2010) Generating Sparse and Selective Third-Order Responses in the Olfactory System of the Fly. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107:10713-10718.
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Chalasani, S., Kato, S., Albrecht, D., Nakagawa, T., Abbott, L.F. and Bargmann, C. (2010) Neuropeptide Feedback Modifies Odor-Evoked Dynamics in C. elegans Olfactory Neurons. Nature Neurosci. 13:615-621.
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Sussillo, D. and Abbott, L.F. (2009) Generating Coherent Patterns of Activity from Chaotic Neural Networks. Neuron 63:544-557.
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Muzzio, I.A., Levita, L., Kulkarni, J., Monaco, J., Kentros, C., Stead, M., Abbott, L.F. and Kandel, E.R. (2009) Stability of Hippocampal Representations and Neuronal Synchrony are Differentially Modulated by Attention to Spatial and Non-Spatial Contingencies. PLoS Biol. 7:e1000140.
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George, M.S., Abbott, L.F. and Siegelbaum, S.A. (2009) HCN Hyperpolarization-Activated Cation Channels Inhibit EPSPs by Interactions with M-Type K+ Channels. Nat. Neurosci. 12:577-584.
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Vogels, T.P. and Abbott, L.F. (2009) Gating Multiple Signals through Detailed Balance of Excitation and Inhibition in Spiking Networks. Nat. Neurosci. 12:483-491.
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Abbott, L.F. (2008) Theoretical Neuroscience Rising. Neuron 60:489-495.
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Itskov, V. and Abbott, L.F. (2008) Pattern Capacity of a Perceptron for Sparse Discrimination. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101:018101.
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Brozovic, M., Abbott, L.F. and Andersen, R.A. (2008) Mechanisms of Gain Modulation at Single Neuron and Network Levels.  J. Computational Neurosci. 25:158-168.
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Vogels, T.P. and Abbott, L.F (2007) Gating Deficits in Model Networks: A Path to Schizophrenia?. Pharmacopsychiatry 40:S73-S77.
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Abbott, L.F and Rohrkempter, R. (2007) A Simple Growth Model Constructs Critical Avalanche Networks. Prog. Brain Res. 165:13-19.
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Abbott, L.F. and Luo, Sean X. (2007) A Step Toward Optimal Coding in Olfaction (news and views).  Nature Neurosci. 10:1342-1343.
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Parga, N. and Abbott, L.F. (2007) Network model of spontaneous activity exhibiting synchronous transitions between up and down states. Frontiers in Neuroscience 1:57-66.
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Fusi, S. and Abbott, L.F. (2007) Limits on the memory-storage capacity of bounded synapses. Nature Neurosci. 10:485-493.
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Rajan, K. and Abbott, L.F. (2007) Temperature Compensation of Chemical Reactions. Phys. Rev. E 75:022902.
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Monaco, J.D., Abbott, L.F. and Kahana, M.J. (2007) Lexico-Semantic Structure and the Word Frequency Effect in Recognition Memory. Learning and Memory 14:204-213.
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Rajan, K. and Abbott, L.F. (2006) Eigenvalue Spectra of Random Matrices for Neural Networks.  Phys. Rev. Lett. 97:188104.
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Swinehard, C. and Abbott, L.F. (2006) Dimensional Reduction in Reward-Based Learning. Network: Comp. Neural Sys. 17:235-252.
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Rumsey, C. and Abbott, L.F. (2006) Synaptic Democracy in Active Dendrites. J. Neurophys. 96:2307-2318.
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Drew, P.J. and Abbott, L.F. (2006) Models and Properties of Power-Law Adaptation in Neural Systems. J. Neurophysiol. 96:826-833.
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Drew, P.J. and Abbott, L.F. (2006) Extending the Effects of STDP to Behavioral Timescales. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103:8876-8881.
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Billimoria, C.P., DiCaprio, R.A., Birmingham, J.T., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (2006) Neuromodulation of spike timing precision in sensory neurons. J. Neurosci. 26:5910-5919.
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Vogels, T.P. and Abbott, L.F. (2005) Signal Propagation in Networks of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons. J. Neurosci. 25:10786-10795.
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Vogels, T.P., Rajan, K. and Abbott, L.F. (2005) Neural Network Dynamics. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 28:357-376.
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Fusi, S., Drew, P. and Abbott, L.F. (2005) Cascade Models of Synaptically Stored Memories. Neuron 45:599-611.
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Swinehart, C. and Abbott, L.F. (2005) Supervised Learning Through Neuronal Response Modulation. Neural Computation 17:609-631.
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Abbott, L.F. and Chance, F.S. (2005) Drivers and Modulators from Push-Pull and Balanced Synaptic Input. Prog. Brain Res. 149:147-155.
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Abbott, L.F. and Regehr, W. (2004) Synaptic Computation. Nature 431:796-803.
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Rumsey, C.C. and Abbott, L.F. (2004) Synaptic Equalization by Anti-STDP. Neurocomputing 58-60:359-364.
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Prinz, A.A., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (2004) The Dynamic Clamp Comes of Age. Trends in Neurosci 27:218-224.
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Rumsey, C. and Abbott, L.F. (2004) Equalization of Synaptic Efficacy by Activity- and Timing-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity. J. Neurophysiol. 91:2273-2280.
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Swinehart, C.D., Bouchard, K., Partensky, P. and Abbott, L.F. (2004) Control of Network Activity through Neuronal Response Modulation. Neurocomputing 58-60:327-335.
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Abbott, L.F. (2003) Balancing Homeostasis and Learning in Neural Circuits.  Zoology 106:365-371.
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Drew, P., and Abbott, L.F. (2003) A model of song selectivity and sequence generation in area HVc of the songbird. J. Neurophysiol. 89:2697-2706.
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Chance, F.S., Abbott, L.F. and Reyes, A.D. (2002) Gain Modulation Through Background Synaptic Input. Neuron 35:773-782.
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Drew, P.J. and Abbott, L.F. (2002) Modeling Temporal Combination Selective Neurons of the Songbird. Neurocomputing 44-46: 789-794.
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Golowasch, J., Goldman, M.S., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (2002) Failure of Averaging in the Construction of a Conductance-Based Neuron Model. J. Neurophysiol. 89:1129-1131.
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Abbott, L.F. and Chance, F.S. (2002) Mechanistic versus Functional Taxonomy of Visual Neurons. Nature Neurosci. 5:391-392.
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Goldman, M.S., Maldonado, P. and Abbott, L.F. (2001) Redundancy Reduction and Sustained Firing with Stochastic Depressing Synapses. J. Neurosci. 22:584-591.
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Song, S. and Abbott, L.F. (2001) Column and Map Development and Cortical Re-Mapping Through Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity. Neuron 32:339-350.
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Goldman, M.S., Golowasch, J., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (2001) Global structure, robustness, and modulation of neural models. J. Neurosci. 21:5229-5238.
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Soto-Trevi�o, C., Thoroughman, K.A., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (2001) Activity-Dependent Modification of Inhibitory Synapses in Models of Rhythmic Neural Networks. Nature Neurosci. 4:297-303.
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Brunel, N., Chance, F.S., Fourcaud, N. and Abbott, L.F. (2001) Effects of Synaptic Noise and Filtering on the Frequency Response of Spiking Neurons. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86:2186-2189
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Chance, F.S. and Abbott, L.F. (2001) Input-Specific Adaptation in Complex Cells through Synaptic Depression. Neurocomputing 38-40:141-146.
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Abbott, L.F. (2001) The Timing Game? Nature Neurosci. 4:115-116.

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Salinas, E. and Abbott, L.F. (2001) Coordinate Transformations in the Visual System: How to Generate Gain Fields and What to Compute with Them.  Prog. Brain Res. 130:175-190.
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Abbott, L.F. and Nelson, S.B. (2000) Synaptic Plasticity: Taming the Beast. Nature Neurosci. 3:1178-1183.

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Zhang, J. and Abbott, L.F. (2000) Gain Modulation in Recurrent Networks. Neurocomputing 32-33: 623-628.

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Song, S., Miller, K.D. and Abbott, L.F. (2000) Competitive Hebbian Learning Through Spike-Timing Dependent Synaptic Plasticity. Nature Neurosci. 3:919-926.

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Abbott, L.F. (2000) Integrating with Action Potentials. Neuron 26:3-4.

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Chance, F.S. and Abbott, L.F. (2000) Divisive Inhibition in Recurrent Networks. Network: Comp. Neural Sys. 11:119-129.

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Song, S. and Abbott, L.F. (2000) Temporally Asymmetric Hebbian Learning and Neuronal Response Variability. Neurocomputing 32-33: 523-528.
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Salinas, E. and Abbott, L.F. (2000) Do Simple Cells in Primary Visual Cortex Form a Tight Frame? Neural Comp. 12:313-336.
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Chance, F.S. and Abbott, L.F. (2000) A Recurrent Network Model for the Phase-Invariance of Complex Cell Responses. Neurocomputing 32-33:339-344.
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Goldman, M.S., Golowasch, J., Abbott, L.F.  and Marder, E. (2000) Dependence of Firing Pattern on Intrinsic Ionic Conductances: Sensitive and Insensitive Combinations. Neurocomputing 32-33:141-146.
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Birmingham, J.T., Szuts, Z.B, Abbott, L.F. and Marder E. (1999) Encoding of muscle movement on two time scales by a sensory neuron that switches between spiking and bursting modes. J. Neurophysiol. 82:2786-2797.
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Golowasch, J., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1999) Activity-Dependent Regulation of Ionic Conductances in an Identified Neuron of the Stomatogastric Ganglion of the Crab Cancer borealis. J. Neurosci. 19:RC33(1-5).

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Golowasch, J., Casey, M., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1999) Network Stability from Activity-Dependent Regulation of Neuronal Conductances. Neural Comp. 11:1079-1096.

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Chance, F.S., Nelson, S.B. and Abbott, L.F. (1999) Complex Cells as Cortically Amplified Simple Cells. Nature Neurosci. 2:277-282.

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Abbott, L.F. (1999) Pointing the Way Toward Target Selection. Nature Neurosci. 2:688-689.
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Abbott, L.F. (1999) Lapicque�s Introduction of the Integrate-and-Fire Model (1907). Brain Research Bulletin 50:303-304.

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Abbott, L.F. and Dayan, P. (1999) The Effect of Correlated Variability on the Accuracy of a Population Code. Neural Comp. 11:91-102.

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Goldman, M.S., Nelson, S.B. and Abbott, L.F. (1999) Decorrelation of Spike Trains by Synaptic Depression. Neurocomputing 26-27:147-153.

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Jorge-Rivera, J.C., Sen, K., Birmingham, J.T., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1998) Temporal Dynamics of Convergent Modulation at a Crustacean Neuromuscular Junction. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 2559-2570.

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Kopell, N., Abbott, L.F. and Soto-Trevino, C. (1998) On the Behavior of a Neural Oscillator Electrically Coupled to a Bistable Element. Physica D121:367-395.
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Chance, F.S., Nelson, S.B. and Abbott, L.F. (1998) Synaptic Depression and the Temporal Response Characteristics of V1 Simple Cells. J. Neurosci. 18:4785-4799.
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Liu, Z., Golowasch, J., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1998) A Model Neuron With Activity-Dependent Conductances Regulated By Multiple Calcium Sensors. J. Neurosci. 18:2309-2320.

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Abbott, L.F. (1998) The Analytical Bend of the Leech (News and Views). Nature 391:18-19.

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Baddeley, R., Abbott, L.F., Booth, M.J.A., Sengpiel, F., Freeman, T., Wakeman, E.A. and Rolls, E.T. (1997) Responses of Neurons in Primary and Inferior Temporal Visual Cortices to Natural Scenes. Proc. Roy. Soc. (Lond.) B264:1775-1783.

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Varela, J., Sen, K., Gibson, J., Fost, J., Abbott, L.F., Nelson, S.B. (1997) A Quantitative Description of Short-Term Plasticity at Excitatory Synapses in Layer 2/3 of Rat Primary Visual Cortex. J. Neurosci. 17:7926-7940.
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Abbott, L.F. (1997) Fiddling with the Neural Code (book review). Neuron 19:5-6.
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Manor, Y., Nadim, F., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1997) Temporal Dynamics of Graded Synaptic Transmission in the Lobster Stomatogastric Ganglion. J. Neurosci. 17:5610-5621.
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Salinas, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1997) Invariant Visual Perception from Attentional Gain Fields. J. Neurophysiol. 77:3267-3272.
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Abbott, L.F., Varela, J.A., Sen, K. and Nelson, S.B. (1997) Synaptic Depression and Cortical Gain Control. Science 275:220-223.
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Gerstner, W. and Abbott, L.F. (1997) Learning Navigational Maps Through Potentiation and Modulation of Hippocampal Place Cells. J. Computational Neurosci. 4:79-94.
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Marder, E., Abbott, L.F., Turrigiano, G.G., Liu, Z. and Golowasch, J. (1996) Memory from the Dynamics of Intrinsic Membrane Currents. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:13481-13486.
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Salinas, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1996) A Model of Multiplicative Neural Responses in Parietal Cortex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:11956-11961.
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Sen, K., Jorge-Rivera, J.C., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1996) Decoding Synapses. J. Neurosci. 16:6307-6318.

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Abbott, L.F., Rolls, E.T. and Tovee, M.J. (1996) Representational Capacity of Face Coding in Monkeys. Cerebral Cortex 6:498-505.
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Abbott, L.F. and Blum, K.I. (1996) Functional Significance of Long-Term Potentiation for Sequence Learning and Prediction. Cerebral Cortex 6:406-416.
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Turrigiano, G.G., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1996) Cellular Short-Term Memory from a Slow Potassium Conductance. J. Neurophysiol. 75:963-966.
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Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1996) Theory in Motion. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 5:832-840.
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Blum, K.I. and Abbott, L.F. (1996) A Model of Spatial Map Formation in the Hippocampus of the Rat. Neural Comp. 8:85-93.

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Salinas, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1995) Transfer of Coded Information from Sensory to Motor Networks. J. Neurosci. 15:6461-6474.
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Idiart, M.A.P., Berk, B. and Abbott, L.F. (1995) Reduced Representation by Neural Networks with Finite Receptive Fields. Neural Comp. 7:507-517.
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Abbott, L.F. (1994) Decoding Neuronal Firing and Modeling Neural Networks. Quart. Rev. Biophys. 27:291-331.
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Van Vreeswijk, C., Abbott, L.F. and Ermentrout, G.B. (1994) When Inhibition Not Excitation Synchronizes Neuronal Firing. J. Computational Neurosci. 1:313-321.
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Siegel, M., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1994) Activity-Dependent Current Distributions in Model Neurons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:11308-11312.
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Dolnik, M., Abbott, L.F. and Epstein, I.R. (1994) Concentration-Dependent Regulation of Flow Rate in a Chemical Oscillator. J. Phys. Chem. 98:10124-10130.
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Salinas, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1994) Vector Reconstruction from Firing Rates. J.Computational Neurosci. 1:89-107.

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Turrigiano, G., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1994) Activity-Dependent Changes in the Intrinsic Properties of Cultured Neurons. Science 264:974-977.
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Marom, S. and Abbott, L.F. (1994) Modeling State-Dependent Inactivation of Membrane Currents. Biophys. J. 67:515-520.
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Idiart, M.A.P. and Abbott, L.F. (1993) Propagation of Excitation in Neural Network Models. Network: Comp. Neural Sys. 4:285-294.
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Sharp, A., O'Neil M.B, Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1993) The Dynamic Clamp: Artificial Conductances in Biological Neurons. Trends In Neurosci. 16:389-394.
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Abbott, L.F. and LeMasson, G. (1993) Analysis of Neuron Models with Dynamically Regulated Conductances. Neural Comp. 5:823-842.

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Abbott, L.F. and Van Vreeswijk, C. (1993) Asynchronous States in Networks of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators. Phys. Rev. E2:1483-1490.
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Sharp, A.A., O'Neil, M.B., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1993) The Dynamic Clamp: Computer-Generated Conductances in Real Neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 69: 992-995.
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LeMasson, G., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1993) Activity-Dependent Regulation of Conductances in Model Neurons. Science 259:1915-1917.

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Cao, B.J. and Abbott, L.F. (1993) A New Computational Method for Cable Theory Problems. Biophys. J. 64: 303-313.
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VanVreeswijk, C. and Abbott, L.F. (1993) Self-Sustained Firing in Populations of Integrate and Fire Neurons. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 53:253-264.
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Marder, E., Abbott, L.F., Buchholtz, F., Epstein, I.R., Golowasch, J. Hooper, S.L. and Kepler, T.B. (1993) Physiological Insights from Cellular and Network Models of the Stomatogastric Nervous System of Lobsters and Crabs. Amer. Zool. 33:29-39.
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Sharp, A.A., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1992) Artificial Electrical Synapses in Oscillating Networks. J. Neurophysiol. 67: 1691-1692.
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Abbott, L.F. (1992) Simple Diagrammatic Rules for Solving Dendritic Cable Problems Physica A185: 343-356.

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Kepler, T.B., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1992) Reduction of Conductance-Based Neuron Models. Biol. Cybern. 66: 381-387.
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Abbott, L.F. (1991) Realistic Synaptic Inputs for Network Models. Network: Comp.Neural Sys. 2: 245-258.

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Abbott, L.F., Farhi, E. and Gutmann, S. (1991) The Path Integral for Dendritic Trees. Biol. Cybern. 66: 49-60.
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Abbott, L.F., Marder, E. and Hooper, S.L. (1991) Oscillating Networks: Control of Burst Duration by Electrically Coupled Neurons. Neural Computation 3: 487-497.

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Abbott, L.F. (1990) Modulation of Function and Gated Learning in a Network Memory. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87: 9241-9245.
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Kepler, T.B., Datt, S., Meyer, R. and Abbott, L.F. (1990) Chaos in a Neural Network Circuit. Physica D46: 449-457.
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Abbott, L.F. (1990) A Network of Oscillators. J. Phys. A23: 3835-3859.

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Kepler, T.B., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1990) The Effect of Electrical Coupling on the Frequency of a Model Neuronal Oscillator. Science 248: 83-85.

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Abbott, L.F. (1990) Learning in Neural Network Memories. Network: Comp. Neural Sys. 1: 105-122.

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Abbott, L.F. and Kepler, T.B. (1989) Optimal Learning in Neural Network Memories. J. Phys. A22: L711-L717.

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Abbott, L.F. and Kepler, T.B. (1989) Universality in the Space of Interactions for Network Models. J. Phys. A22: 2031-2038.

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Kepler, T.B. and Abbott, L.F. (1988) Domains of Attraction in Neural Networks. J. de Phys. (France) 49: 1657-1662.

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Abbott, L.F. (1988) A Model of Auto-Catalytic Replication. J. Molecular Evolution 27: 114-120.

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Abbott, L.F. and Arian, Y. (1987) Storage Capacity of Generalized Networks. Phys. Rev. A36: 5091-5094.

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Dayan, P. and Abbott, L.F. (2001) Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems (MIT Press, Cambridge MA).

Abbott, L.F. and Sejnowski, T.J. (Eds.) (1999) Neural Coding and Distributed Representations. (MIT Press, Cambridge MA).

Abbott, L.F. and Pi, S.-Y. (Eds.) (1986) Inflationary Cosmology (World Scientific, Singapore).

Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings

Abbott, L.F., Rajan, K. and Sompolinksy, H. (2011) Interactions Between Intrinsic and Stimulus-Dependent Activity in Recurrent Neural Networks. In M. Ding and D. Glanzman, eds.The Dynamic Brain: An Exploration of Neuronal Variability and Its Functional Significance. (Oxford University Press, New York, NY).

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Chance, F.C. and Abbott, L.F. (2008) Simulating In Vivo Background Activity in a Slice with the Dynamic Clamp. In T. Bal and A. Destexhe, eds. Dynamic-Clamp: From Principles To Applications (Springer Science, New York) pp. 73-87.

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Mainen, Z. and Abbott, L.F. (2007) Functional Plasticity at Dendritic Synapses. In Stuart, G., Spruston, N. and Hausser, M, eds. Dendrites (Oxford University Press, Oxford) pp. 465-498.

Abbott, L.F. (2006) Causality and Learning in Neural Systems. In Deserfest: A Celebration of the Live and Works of Stanley Deser.  Ed. by J.T.Liu, M.J. Duff, K.S. Stelle and R.P. Woodard.  (World Scientific, Singapore) pp 8-14.

Abbott, L.F. (2006) Where are the Switches on this Thing? In J.L. van Hemmen and T.J. Sejnowski, eds. 23 Problems in Systems Neuroscience (Oxford University Press, Oxford).

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Abbott, L.F., Thoroughman, K., Prinz, A., Thirumalai, V. and Marder, E. (2003) Activity-dependent modification of intrinsic and synaptic conductances in neurons and rhythmic networks. In Van Ooyen, A., ed. Modeling Neural Development (MIT Press, Cambridge MA).

Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (2002) Activity-Dependent Regulation of Neuronal Conductances. In Arbib, M., ed. The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (Second Edition) (Bradford MIT Press, Cambridge).

Abbott, L.F. and Nelson, S.B. (2002) Temporal Dynamics of Biological Synapses. In Arbib, M., ed. The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (Second Edition) (Bradford MIT Press, Cambridge).

Prinz, A., Marder, E.,and Abbott, L.F. (2001) Dynamic Clamp: Modeling with Biological Neurons. In Adelman, G. and Smith, B. eds. Elsevier�s Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Compact Disk) (Elsevier Press, Amsterdam) pp. 579-581.

Abbott, L.F., Chance, F.S. and Salinas, E. (2001) Gain Modulation: Applications and Mechanisms. In Elsner, N. and Kreutzberg, G.W. eds. The Neurosciences at the Turn of the Century: Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society and Twenty-Eighth G�ttingen Neurobiology Conference, Volume I (Georg-Theime-Verlag, Stuttgart) pp. 55-78.

Salinas, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1999) Coordinate Transformations in the Visual System: How to Generate Gain Fields and What to Compute with Them. In Nicolelis. M., ed. Population Coding (Elsevier, Amsterdam).

Marder, E., Golowasch, J., Richards, K.S., Soto-Trevi�o, C., Miller, W.L., and Abbott, L.F. (1999) Self-assembly of Oscillatory Neurons and Networks. In Mira, M, S�nchez-Andr�s, J.V., eds. Foundations and Tools for Neural Modeling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) 1606:1-11.

Abbott, L.F. and Song, Sen (1999) Temporally Asymmetric Hebbian Learning, Spike Timing and Neuronal Response Variability. Kearns, M.S., Solla, S.A. and Cohn, D.A. Eds. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11 (MIT Press, Cambridge MA).

Chance, F.S., Nelson, S.B. and Abbott, L.F. (1999) Recurrent Cortical Amplification Produces Complex Cell Responses. Kearns, M.S., Solla, S.A. and Cohn, D.A. Eds. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11 (MIT Press, Cambridge MA).
Birmingham, J.T., Manor, Y., Nadim, F., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1998) An Empirical Model Describing the Dynamics of Graded Transmission in the Lobster Pyloric Network. In Bower, J. ed. Computational Neuroscience, Trends in Research 1998 (Plenum, NY) pp. 325-330.

Chance, F.S., Nelson, S.B. and Abbott, L.F. (1998) Temporal Characteristics of V1 Cells Arising from Synaptic Depression. In Bower, J. ed. Computational Neuroscience, Trends in Research 1998 (Plenum, NY) pp. 143-148.

Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1998) Modeling Small Networks. In Koch, C. and Segev, I. eds. Methods in Neuronal Modeling (MIT Press, Cambridge MA) pp. 361-410.

Liu, Z., Casey, M., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1997) Neurons and networks with activity-dependent conductances. Bower, J. ed. Computational Neuroscience, Trends in Research (Plenum, NY) pp. 723-728.

Nadim, F., Manor, Y., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1997) Strength and Timing of Graded Synaptic Transmisssion Depend on Frequency and Shape of Presynaptic Waveform. Bower, J. ed. Computational Neuroscience, Trends in Research (Plenum, NY) pp. 19-22.

Nelson, S.B., Varela, J.A., Sen, Kamal and Abbott, L.F. (1997) Functional significance of synaptic depression between cortical neurons. Bower, J. ed. Computational Neuroscience, Trends in Research (Plenum, NY) pp. 429-434.

Abbott, L.F. and Jensen, O. (1997) Self-organizing circuits of model neurons. Bower, J. ed. Computational Neuroscience, Trends in Research (Plenum, NY) pp. 227-230.

Salinas, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1997) Attentional gain modulation as a basis for translation invariance. Bower, J. ed. Computational Neuroscience, Trends in Research (Plenum, NY) pp. 807-812.

Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1996) Dynamic Clamp: Modeling with Biological Neurons. Adelman, G. ed. The Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Elsevier Press, Amsterdam, in press).

Blum K.I. and Abbott, L.F. (1996) Functional Significance of Long Term Potentiation in Recurrent Networks. Bower, J. ed. Computational Neuroscience (Academic Press, Norwell MA) pp. 163-166.

Sen, K., Jorge-Rivera, J.C., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1996) Neural Decoding and Synaptic Response Prediction. Bower, J. ed. Computational Neuroscience (Academic Press, Norwell MA) pp. 131-136.

Abbott, L.F. (1996) Statistical Analysis of Neural Networks. In Smolensky, P., Mozer, M. and Rumelhart, D., eds. Mathematical Perspectives on Neural Networks (Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale NJ).

Abbott, L.F., Turrigiano, G., LeMasson, G. and Marder, E. (1996) Activity-Dependent Conductances in Model and Biological Neurons. In Waltz, D.L. ed. Natural and Artificial Parallel Computing (SIAM, NY) pp. 43-68.

Abbott, L.F. (1995) Information Transfer and Transformation By Neural Networks. Intl. J. Neural Systems. Supplementary Issue: Neural Networks: From Biology to High Energy Physics. Ed. by D.J. Amit, P. del Giudice, B. Denby, E.T. Rolls and A. Treves. pp. 115-122.

Blum, K.I. and Abbott, L.F. (1995) Functional Significance of Long Term Potentiation in Recurrent Networks. Intl. J. Neural Systems. Supplementary Issue: Neural Networks: From Biology to High Energy Physics. Ed. by D.J. Amit, P. del Giudice, B. Denby, E.T. Rolls and A. Treves. pp. 25-32.

Salinas, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1995) Decoding Vectorial Information from Firing Rates. In Bower, J.M., ed., The Neurobiology of Computation (Kluwer Academic, Norwell MA) pp. 299-304.

O'Neil, M., Abbott, L.F., Sharp, A., Turrigiano, G. and Marder, E. (1995) The Dynamic Clamp: Using Neurons as Simulators. In Arbib, M., ed. The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (Bradford MIT Press, Cambridge) pp. 326-328.

Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1995) Activity-Dependent Regulation of Neuronal Conductances. In Arbib, M., ed. The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (Bradford MIT Press, Cambridge) pp. 63-65.

Abbott, L.F., Siegel, M. and Marder, E. (1994) Activity-Dependent Distributions of Neuronal Conductances. In Eeckman F.H., ed., Computation in Neurons and Neural Systems (Kluwer Academic, Norwell MA) pp. 47-52

Idiart, M. and Abbott, L.F. (1994) Propagating Waves of Activity in Firing-Rate Models. In Eeckman F.H., ed., Computation in Neurons and Neural Systems (Kluwer Academic, Norwell MA) pp. 263-268.

Marder, E., Abbott, L.F., LeMasson, G., O'Neil, M.B., Renaud-LeMasson, S. and Sharp, S. (1994) Biological Simulators: Computer Modification of Neuronal Conductances and Formation of Novel Networks. In Stenger, D.A. and McKenna, T.M., eds. Enabling Technologies for Cultured Networks (Academic Press Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Orlando FL).

Abbott, L.F. (1994) Single Neuron Dynamics: An Introduction. In Ventriglia, F., ed. Neural Modelling and Neural Networks (Pergamon Press, Oxford) pp. 57-78.

Abbott, L.F., LeMasson, G., Siegel, M. and Marder, E. (1993) Activity-Dependent Modification of Intrinsic Neuronal Properties. In Gielen, S. and Kappen, H. eds. ICANN'93: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (Springler-Verlag, London) pp. 171-176.

Van Vreeswijk, C. and Abbott, L.F. (1993) The Effect of Synaptic Time Constants on Firing Patterns in Populations of Spiking Neurons. In Gielen, S. and Kappen, H. eds. ICANN'93: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (Springer-Verlag, London) pp. 666-669.

Renaud-LeMasson, S., LeMasson, G., Marder, E. and Abbott, L.F. (1993) Hybrid Circuits of Interacting Computer Model and Biological Neurons. In Giles, C.L., Hanson, S.J. and Cowan, J.D., eds. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5 (Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo CA) pp. 813-819.

VanVreeswijk, C., Treves, A. and Abbott, L.F. (1993) The Effect of Slow Synaptic Coupling on Populations of Spiking Neurons. In Eeckman F.H. and Bower, J. eds., Computation and Neural Systems (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston) pp. 61-66.

Marder, E., Weimann, J.M., Kepler, T.B. and Abbott, L.F. (1992) Computational Implications of a Serotonin-Sensitive Region of Axonal Membrane on a Dual Function Motor Neuron. In Eeckmann, F., ed. Neural Systems: Analysis and Modeling (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston) pp. 377-390.

Marder, E., Abbott, L.F., Sharp, A.A. and Kopell, N. (1992) Electrical Coupling in Networks Containing Oscillators. In Arbib, M., Rudomin, P., Cervantes, F., eds. Research Notes in Neural Computing (Springer-Verlag, NY) pp. 287-296.

Marder, E., Abbott, L.F., Kepler, T.B. and Hooper, S.L. (1992) Modification of Oscillator Function by Electrically Coupled Neurons. In Basar, E. and Bullock, T.H., eds. Induced Rhythms of the Brain (Birkhauser Boston, Cambridge MA) pp. 287-296.

Abbott, L.F. (1991) Firing-Rate Models for Neural Populations. In Benhar, O., Bosio, C., Del Giudice, P. and Tabet, E., eds. Neural Networks: From Biology to High-Energy Physics (ETS Editrice, Pisa) pp. 179-196.

Kepler, T.B., Abbott, L.F. and Marder, E. (1991) Order Reduction for Systems of Equations Describing the Behavior of Complex Neurons. In Lippmann, R.P., Moody, J.E, and Touretzky, D., eds. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3 (Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo CA) pp. 55-61.

Abbott, L.F. and Kepler, T. (1990) Model Neurons: From Hodgkin-Huxley to Hopfield, In Garrido, L., ed. Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) pp. 5-18.

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Abbott, L.F., Hooper, S.L., Kepler, T. and Marder, E. (1990) Oscillating Networks: Modeling the Pyloric Circuit of the Stomatogastric Ganglion. In Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE, Ann Arbor, 1990) pp. I175 - I180.

Particle Physics Publications

Abbott, L.F. (1976) Massless Particles with Continuous Spin Indices. Phys. Rev. D13:2291-2294.

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Abbott, L.F., Kang, J.S. and Schnitzer, H.J. (1976) Bound States, Tachyons, and Restoration of Symmetry in the 1/N Expansion. Phys. Rev. D13: 2212-2226.

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Abbott, L.F. (1976) Bound States of the Two-Dimensional O(N) Model. Phys. Rev. D14:552-557.

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Abbott, L.F. and Schnitzer, H.J. (1976) Semi-Classical Bound-State Methods in Four-Dimensional Field Theory: Trace Identities, Mode Sums and Renormalization for Scalar Theories. Phys. Rev. D14: 1977-1987.

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Abbott, L.F., Grisaru, M.T. and Schnitzer, H.J. (1977) Supercurrent Anomaly in a Supersymmetric Gauge Theory. Phys. Rev. D16: 2995-3001.

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Abbott, L.F., Grisaru, M.T. and Schnitzer, H.J. (1977) Cancellation of the Supercurrent Anomaly in a Supersymmetric Gauge Theory. Phys. Lett. 71B: 161-164.

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Abbott, L.F. and Schnitzer, H.J. (1977) Possible Supersymmetry Breaking by Pseudoparticles. Phys. Rev. D16: 3002-3007.

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Abbott, L.F. and Eguchi, T. (1977) Structure of the Yang-Mills Vacuum in Coulomb Gauge. Phys. Lett. 72B: 215-218.

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Abbott, L.F., Grisaru, M.T. and Schnitzer, H.J. (1978) A Supercurrent Anomaly in Supergravity. Phys. Lett. 73B: 71-74.

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Abbott, L.F. (1978) Calculating Quantum Corrections to the Mass of a Soliton without Collective Coordinates. Nucl. Phys. B139: 159-169.

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Abbott, L.F. and Grisaru, M.T. (1978) Local Supersymmetry Transformations and Fermion Solutions in the Presence of Instantons. Phys. Rev. D17: 2809-2812.

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Abbott, L.F. and Barnett, R.M. (1978) Determination of the Weak Neutral-Current Couplings. Phys. Rev. Lett. 40: 1303-1306.

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Abbott, L.F. and Barnett, R.M. (1978) Quark and Lepton Couplings in the Weak Interactions. Phys. Rev. D18: 3214-3229.

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Abbott, L.F. and Barnett, R.M. (1979) Neutral-Current Quark Coupling Determination Using Neutrino-Neutron and Neutrino-Proton Deep-Inelastic Cross Sections. Phys. Rev. D19: 3230-3235.

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Abbott, L.F. (1979) Topics in the QCD Phenomenology of Deep-Inelastic Scattering. In Kursunoglu, B., Perlmutter A., Krausz, F. and Scott, L., eds. High-Energy Physics in the Einstein Centennial Year (Plenum Press, NY) pp. 327-346.

Abbott, L.F., Berger, E.L., Blankenbecler, R. and Kane, G.L. (1979) Diquark Contributions to Scaling Violations and to sL/sT. Phys. Lett. B88: 157 -162.

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Abbott, L.F. and Barnett, R.M. (1980) The Effect of 1/Q2 and as Corrections on Tests of QCD. Annals of Physics 125: 276-308.

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Abbott, L.F., Sikivie, P. and Wise, M.B. (1980) Constraints on Charged-Higgs-Boson Couplings. Phys. Rev. D21: 1393-1403.

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Abbott, L.F., Sikivie, P. and Wise, M.B. (1980) Cabibbo-Suppressed Nonleptonic D Decays. Phys. Rev. D21: 768-771.

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Abbott, L.F., Atwood, W. and Barnett, R.M. (1980) Quantum-Chromodynamic Analysis of eN Deep-Inelastic Scattering Data. Phys. Rev. D22: 582-593.

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Abbott, L.F. (1980) The QCD Phenomenology of Deep-Inelastic Scattering. In Margolis, B. and Stairs, D.G., eds. Particles and Fields 1979 (Amer. Inst. Phys., NY) pp. 311-324.

Abbott, L.F. (1980) Choosing an Expansion Parameter for Quantum Chromodynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 44: 1569-1572.

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Abbott, L.F. and Grisaru, M.T. (1980) The Three-Loop b-Function for the Wess-Zumino Model. Nucl. Phys. B169: 415-429.

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Abbott, L.F. and Wise, M.B. (1980) Heavy Quarks in Electroproduction. Nucl. Phys. B176: 373-378.

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Abbott, L.F. and Wise, M.B. (1980) Effective Hamiltonian for Nucleon Decay. Phys. Rev. D22: 2208-2212.

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Wise, M.B., Blankenbecler, R. and Abbott, L.F. (1981) Three-Body Decays of the Proton. Phys. Rev. D23:1591-1598.

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Abbott, L.F. (1981) The Background Field Method Beyond One Loop. Nucl. Phys. B185: 189-203.

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Abbott, L.F. and Farhi, E. (1981) Are the Weak Interactions Strong? Phys. Lett. B101: 69-72.

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Abbott, L.F. (1981) Gravitational Effects on the SU(5) Breaking Phase Transition for a Coleman-Weinberg Potential. Nucl. Phys. B185: 233-238.

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Abbott, L.F. and Wise, M.B. (1981) Dimension of a Quantum-Mechanical Path. Amer. J. Phys. 49: 37-39.

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Abbott, L.F. and Farhi, E. (1981) A Confining Model of the Weak Interactions. Nucl. Phys. B189: 547-556.

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Abbott, L.F. (1982) Introduction to the Background Field Method Acta Physica Polonica B13: 33-50.

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Abbott, L.F. and Deser, S. (1982) Stability of Gravity with a Cosmological Constant. Nucl. Phys. B195: 76-96.

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